Century21, Asian century. ? . ! .

(231206, Sint just went, year of the water rabbit, said to be a year for diplomacy and compromise.)

Century21, Asian century. ? . ! .

Just a copy paste bloggie.

Wordt onze een en twinigste eeuw de eeuw van Azië ?
Hierover gaat het artikel “New Perspective on the Asian century” van de auteur Jan Krikke, hier . Jan Krikke is al eerder ter sprake gekomen op deze blog: “ Nice summary, by Dutch writer (Jan Krikke). “. Een overzicht van zijn, interessante, veelzijdige, artikelen is hier te vinden: https://muckrack.com/jan-krikke. Leest u vooral nog zijn artikeltje van 12 oktober 2022 Europe united on road to its own decline (zie ik nu ook pas voor het eerst, een blikje achteraf, met het voordeel van 100 percent hindsight, kan nooit geen kwaad toch ?)

Some copy/pastes:

A giant space is expanding before our eyes with forces pouring into it which … await the dawn of the Pacific age, the successor of the Atlantic age, the over-age Mediterranean and European era.

Little attention is given to cultural factors, and how they may shape the future of Asia and the post-industrial world. Discussions about the Asian Century typically focus on Asia’s economic and industrial prowess.

ASIA 2038 reminds us that globalization, like modernization, does not necessarily mean Westernization. Asia absorbed Western science and technology and Asianized versions of political systems, but the West with its social and political polarization and its hyper-individualism is not a model for post-industrial society.

In economic terms, the rise of Asia is a return to the historical norm. For much of recorded history, China and India were the world’s two largest economies, overtaken only in the mid-19th century by the United States. When measured using PPP (purchasing power parity), China surpassed the US in 2014. Before the middle of this century, China and India are expected to reclaim their place as the world’s two leading economies.

The challenge facing Asia today is to mitigate the worst aspects of the capitalist stage of development that has been plaguing Western societies — disintegrating families, social alienations, inequality, and the power of corporations over governments that have caused historic levels of inequality (vetgedrukt van/door de redactie).

AI-generated images. The age of ambiguity.


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