Nl meneer interviewt Colonel Douglas MacGregor (ex adviseur Trump). Door de eeuwen heen, met Grieken en Duitsers enzo. PS: u kunt ondertiteling aanzetten.

(240626, so much happenin' at the moment, e.g.  Mr.P. visits North Korea, Vietnam, Zelensky peace summit flops, -terror- attacks in RF, IDF into Lebanon? etc , year of the wood dragon, said to be a year filled with challenges, especially in international relations.).
2024 year of the wood dragon

Nl meneer interviewt Colonel Douglas MacGregor (ex adviseur Trump). Door de eeuwen heen, met Grieken en Duitsers enzo. PS: u kunt ondertiteling aanzetten.

Inhoudachtige samenvatting:

Leader 0:42 Introduction 1:21 War & the future of the west 1:34 Three types of war 2:47 What kind of wars are the parties fighting? 12:47 On civil war and western support for Ukraine 15:50 What was Putin thinking when he went in? 17:44 How both sides perceive and misread each other 20:12 Stoking old fires 21:46 More misjudgements 23:20 When the Russian forces first entered Ukraine 25:24 Cognitive dissonance and demonisation 28:30 History and the dangers of regime change 30:09 A change of strategy: war of decision / Transformation under fire 34:43 Transition to a war economy 36:06 Unity of command / Different structures of command 40:59 Instant links: Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance 44:25 Unity of effort: an army based on function 46:19 The integrated air defense umbrella 50:32 An estimate of casualties 51:33 Television generals 54:29 What kind of war are the Ukrainians in right now? 59:03 Does Putin have a ‘masterplan’? 1:01:00 War on the west? / The Peloponnesian War 1:05:15 A spirit of triumphalism / 1:06:38 What brings down great powers? / Bewitched by technology 1:10:27 The unipolar moment 1:13:15 A steady march toward more and more interventions 1:17:48 The Peloponnesian war revisited 1:21:58 A kingdom divided against itself 1:22:11 The neocons & the Project for the New American Century 1:24:38 A sinister agenda 1:27:03 War with different means 1:33:41 The clash of civilations 1:39:06 Will there be a backlash in Ukraine? 1:41:09 Do we have a clue? / “NATO has outlived its utility” 1:46:10 Out of control? / Cromwellian revolution 1:56:52 A great awakening? 1:59:43 Heraclitus / War is the father of all, and king of all — Steun De Nieuwe Wereld. Word patroon op of doneer op NL61 RABO 0357 5828 61 t.n.v. Stichting De Nieuwe Wereld. Alvast bedankt.

En dan moet u natuurlijk ook nog uw eigen gedachten bij dit alles hebben.

Disclaimer volgt nu:

Disclaimer: Het kan natuurlijk ook allemaal, zoals u weet, pr, fake news, propaganda, of, zoals Frau von der Leyen het noemt “desinformatie en misinformatie” zijn, volgens haar het grootste gevaar voor de wereld de komende jaren (niet oorlog Ukr, Gaza, Yemen, Irak, Syrië, Libanon, Iran, Taiwan en nog wat landjes). Oordeelt u zelf .

Interview met Colonel Doug macGregor van 25/6/2024: The war in Ukraine and the decline of the West 



~ Weet u nu wat neo-cons zijn ?
~ Has NATO outlived its utility ?

En, oh ja, Mark is NATO baas geworden. En Kaja Kallas gaat Borrel vervangen. Zij hebben alle twee wel een visie !

[1] google search: kazan brics october. Alternative !!! to US$$$, Dedollarization ? New Members ?
[] Wikipedia Douglas MacGregor.


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